In the new era of wellness and weight management, the focus is not simply on weight, but just as importantly, the composition of that weight. This refers to the concept of body composition, which describes our body’s make up in terms of percentages of body fat and lean body mass. There is a relatively new term being used for certain individuals which are described as being “skinny fat”. These are individuals whose body weight is within the normal range; however, their body fat percentage is in the range considered obese. Women with body fat in excess of 25% and men with body fat in excess of 20% have increased likelihood of developing a chronic disease like diabetes and heart disease. This underscores the importance of knowing one’s own body composition.
Anyone seeking to lose weight should have their body composition measured by a competent, trained individual who utilizes a reliable body composition measuring device. Armed with this knowledge, dieters should look for a medically-supervised personalized weight loss program that will get them the desired results, and will give them the highest chance of keeping the weight off long-term. Dieters should look for a weight loss program that incorporates a long-term maintenance phase. This is critical to the dieter’s ability to keep off the weight. If a successful dieter returns to their old eating habits and lifestyle, he or she will most likely regain all of their weight, with the majority being fat.
The most successful weight loss programs provide accountability by offering weekly counseling and body composition monitoring. This assures that the dieter’s weight loss is predominantly body fat, while optimally preserving their lean muscle. Traditional low calorie diets have been associated with significant losses of lean muscle while losing weight. This loss of lean muscle causes the dieter’s metabolic rate to slow down, actually increasing the likelihood that the individual will regain their weight after completing the weight loss phase of their diet program. Preservation of lean mass is critical to a dieter’s ability to keep the weight off long term.
In order to get the best possible outcome from any weight loss program, it is prudent to know your numbers – weight in pounds, percentage of body fat, and percentage of lean mass. A well-trained health coach will watch these numbers closely during your weight loss journey to determine if your body is responding appropriately and safely.